
Showing posts from February, 2020

Using Digital Assistants

Increase productivity using digital assistants like  Amazon Alexa ,   Apple Siri ,   Google Assistant , and   Microsoft Cortana .  Digital assistants can control smart devices, create appointments, make phone calls, play music, search the Internet, send texts, and take dictation. They are useful in homes, offices, and on the road. Read articles to learn how to  use digital assistants for work  and   protect your privacy .

Protecting Personal Data

Thwart identity thieves with preventive steps online and offline. S tart by securely storing financial records, shredding receipts, and opting out of credit offers. Practice safe computing by encrypting your data and using secure passwords. Create IRS and Social Security accounts before crooks do it for you. Exercise care when accepting phone calls from unidentified callers and don't click links in suspicious looking emails.  Click here for more details information about how to keep your personal information secure

Creating an Organizer

Organizers are binders that contain a combination of documents and information needed in case of a disaster or disability.  Organizers are helpful after physical disasters (e.g. fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes) and health events like early onset dementia and strokes. Organizers help advisers, caregivers, and family members.  Click here for an article about how to create an Organizer to be prepared for whatever the future may bring.

Securing Your Firm

Firms of all sizes are subject to security risks -- burglary, sabotage, theft, unauthorized  access, and workplace violence. Protect your assets and employees by reading articles about  security , c onducting a security risk assessment , and adopting a security policy .   Protect your data by reading an ABA article that provides a  Roadmap for Cybersecurity  and  study the ABA's book about  Cybersecurity for the Home and Office . Adopt a firm-wide  security policy and follow best practices recommended for users of Google Suite and Office 365 .

Working at Home

Working from home is becoming more common for many reasons, including improving technology, deteriorating commutes, and lengthening workdays. Be more effective while working from home by controlling interruptions, creating daily priority lists, using time schedules, and setting aside a separate space for work.  Click here for an article with additional tips for working more effeciently at home. .