
Managing Stress

Below are tips for reducing stress to improve your health and sense of well-being.  For more guidance, consult the articles, books and videos list below. Tips Boundaries - set boundaries at home and at work; enable focus mode on smartphones. Caffeine - drink water and caffeine-free beverages. Coping  - reduce exposure to news and social media. Computing - reduce screen time on computers, smartphones and other devices. Diet - eat a nutritious diet and avoid processed foods. Exercise - do aerobic and strength training several times a week. Mindfulness - take yoga classes, keep a daily journaling, and practice mindfulness. Organization - get organized and avoid procrastination. Socializing - spend time with family, friends, and pets. Therapist - consult a healthcare professional if you need help managing stress. Articles Damage Caused by Stress   Eliminating Stress from News FAQ's About Stress Ways to Relieve Stress .  Books Physical and Mental Wellness Stress-Free L...

Staying Healthy

Poor health is avoidable with daily exercise and nutritious food. Use the following tips to set goals for nutrition and exercise. See the resources at the end of the article to make the goals a habit. Tips Aerobics – exercise, jog, or walk briskly every day for healthy bones, heart, and muscles. Beverages – drink more water and less alcohol and caffeine. Calories – control weight by reducing portions; seek professional help if unable to attain desired weight. Foods – eat more fruit, nuts, and vegetables; avoid meat, processed food, saturated fats, and sweets. Seasonings – reduce salt and use oregano, pepper, and turmeric to flavor food. Snacks – snack on fruit, nuts, and vegetables to suppress appetite at mealtime. Standing – use a standing desk or walk every hour to improve posture and reduce back pain. Strength – lift weights several times a week for healthy arms, back, chest, legs, and shoulders. Vitamins – consult your healthcare provider about taking vitamins; spend t...

Texting Etiquette

Assure your texts are noticed by others. Limit texting  to time sensitive matters and avoid group messaging. Use email when attaching articles, documents, or photos. See below for additional texting tips and resources for more help. Tips Content - don't use texts to convey bad news; limit to time sensitive matters. Etiquette - don't text in front of other people. Group - Avoid group texts because they are too distracting. Length - Keep messages less than 30 words. Notifications - use settings to turn of alerts for senders contacts twhen appropriate. Response - respond with 20 minutes to avoid anxiety; don't ghost your friends. Unknowns - use settings to create separate messages from unknown senders. Articles Abbreviations Etiquette Management Privacy Responses Security Tips  Workplace Texts Books Communicating at Work Guide to Texting Texting Tips

What to Expect in Your 80s

By the 80’s, arteries get plaque, bones become brittle, cancer is more likely, organs lose vitality, and skin is easily bruised. Below are strategies for staying healthy during your 80’s and beyond.   For more information, see the list of resources at the end of this post. Strategies Balance – Declining balance may cause falls or injury. Reduce risk with aerobic and resistance exercises. Cognition – Delay cognitive decline by staying physically and mentally active. Death - It’s probable that you will die by 90, but a healthy lifestyle and medical care can help you live longer. Disease – Aging brings increased risk of chronic conditions (e.g. Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.); regular checkups help early detection and treatment to overcome their debilitating effects. Endurance – Declining cardiovascular and pulmonary function may reduce stamina and require surgery or medication. Get annual checkups, exercise daily, and take naps. Eyesight – Deterior...

Balancing Your Life

Life’s challenges sometimes upset the balance of things like career/family, indoors/outdoors, saving/spending, and working/relaxing. Following are strategies and resources to help you restore balance in your life. Tips Counseling – seek help from a career coach, financial planner, nutritionist, therapist, or trainer. Goals – set goals for eating healthier, getting exercise, going outdoors, and spending time with family. Flexibility – stay alert for opportunities and be patient with setbacks. Journaling – keep a journal to record ideas, express gratitude, and track goals. Meditating – make a routine of daily meditation using an app or video. Monitoring – monitor balancing progress with quarterly reviews and smartphone apps. Planning – adopt step-by-step plans to achieve your goals and dates for completing them. Scheduling – schedule time for planning and relaxing during the week. Prioritizing – focus on a few matters to avoid overload. Simplify – de-clutter your life, spend l...