
Showing posts from April, 2022

Maintaining Home Computers

Digital maintenance is essential for problem-free computing and cybersecurity. Below is a list of tasks and articles to help implement them. Review the checklist monthly to avoid computer problems and assure cyber safety.  Checklist Create a password management system Adjust accessibility features Authorize account access to trusted individuals in case of death or disability Check adequacy of storage Contain cost of cable, Internet, and phone Checklist Keep contacts up-to-date Organize streaming services Scan for malware and adware Set up computers for remote access Turn on 2-factor authentication Turn on privacy settings Update all software Use automatic backups Articles Checklist for Cybersecurity Cloud Computing Computer Maintenance Digital Maintenance Monthly Maintenance Tech Tips Books Cybersecurity for the Home and Office Lawyer's Guide to Automation Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your PC Checklists Computer Maintenance  Network Maintenance U...

Career Planning

Career planning prevents problems and achieves professional success. Career plans can cover advancement, assignments, goals, specialization, strategies, and training.  Annually review your plan to update for developments. Use the plan to select careers, change jobs, improve skills, and negotiate with employers. Below are links to career planning resources, including articles, books, forms, and websites. Articles Becoming Professionally Successful Career Planning Changing Jobs Legal Career Paths Using the ABA to Advance Your Career Writing a Career Plan Books Career Development for Lawyers Career Planning Guide to Legal Specialties Occupational Outlook Handbook What Color is Your Parachute Samples ABA Bodine Nova Scotia Simplica Videos Career Paths (TED) Taking Charge of Your Career (ABA) Websites ABA BLS NALP US News

Protecting Eyesight

Below are tips for keeping healthy eyes. Get more tips by reading articles about aging and your eyes ,  maintaining good eyesight ,  promoting eye health with nutrition  and workplace eye safety .  Find more articles at websites maintained by the American Academy of Opthamologists , the  National Institutes of Health , and  WebMD . Avoid Eye Fatigue Several times per hour look away from computer screens for a minute to prevent eye strain. Make Healthy Choices Make  smart food choices , be  physically active , maintain a  healthy weight , and stop smoking .  Get Annual Checkups   Get annual eye exams by an optometrist or ophthalmologist . Monitor Underlying Conditions Maintain normal  blood pressure  and  Diabetes - manage  diabetes  (if you have it). Wear Sunglasses Protect your eyes from sunlight by wearing sunglasses that block ultraviolet (UV) radiation and a hat with a wide brim when you are ou...

Protecting Yourself from Covid

Covid is expected to continue to have surges and plateaus. Below are tips to prepare for future surges and resources for implementing them.  Preparing for Covid Surges Boost Ask your doctor about how frequently to take a booster vaccine to prevent Covid Be Safe Implement protective measures like avoiding groups, limiting travel, practicing hand hygiene, and wearing masks. Take extra precautions if you live or care for someone who is elderly, sick, or immunocompromised.  Buy Supplies Prepare for surges by stocking your home and office with masks, at-home test kits, tissues, and cleaning supplies. Purchase  decongestants, ibuprofen and other remedies to treat Covid symptoms. Keep Current Read daily news reports to stay current on COVID counts and be alert to surges  Get Tested Gest tested immediately if you have symptoms. Treatment must be started within days after sysmptoms first develop.   Seek Treatment Talk to your doctor right away if you test positive t...