
Showing posts from December, 2023

Benefiting From Podcasts

The majority of Americans listen to podcasts. Most listen to podcasts for education, news, and entertainment. Many listen while exercising, commuting, and walking. Podcasts can be played using apps on computers, smartphones, tablets and smart speakers. Below are links to articles with tips for finding and listening to podcasts. Articles Beginners Guide to Podcasts Benefits of Listening to Podcasts Choosing Smart Speakers Finding Podcasts Selecting an App Using Smart Speakers Apps Apple Podcasts Downcast Pocket Casts Spotify YouTube Music Devices Android Phones Earbuds iPhones and iPads Computers Speakers Amazon Bose Google Sonos Reviews ABA Atlantic Clio New Yorker Pew Reader's Digest Time

Insuring Healthcare After Retirement

Below are tips for insuring your health and resources with additional information.  At the time of retirement, married couples spend about $1,000/month for health insurance. During retirement years, the cost of insuring healthcare increases due to aging and inflation. Plan now to financially secure your healthcare after retirement. Tips Budgeting During your 20’s, start saving for post-retirement healthcare and other costs of living. Open a Health Savings Account and an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to save tax-free. It’s never too late to start saving or increase your savings rate. Motivate yourself with rewards for reaching milestones. Dental, Hearing, and Vision Medicare doesn’t provide coverage for routine dental, hearing, or vision care, except for limited coverage available to participants in Medicare Advantage plans. Consider purchasing insurance to cover these expenses and asking healthcare providers for discounts available to retired patients. Drugs Unless enrolled in a