
Showing posts from December, 2019

Monitoring Trends

Every year the ABA publishes an Annual Survey of Law Firm Technology.  The articles cover trends in Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Firm Culture, Management, Marketing,  Technology, Training, and Well-Being. Stay on top of trends by reading an article about trends in the legal profession . And  click here for a page with links to articles about technology trends. 

Improving Yourself

Companies like Nestle and Toyota have used an improvement strategy known as Kaizen to make better products and increase market share. Focus on improvement can also help individuals boost their careers and well-being. Click here for an article with strategies and tactics for self improvement.  

Digitally Transforming Your Practice

Technology is increasingly used by lawyers to automate legal tasks, improve client relations, and manage law practices. Affordable apps are available for for billing, calendaring, marketing, time keeping, and tracking. Inexpensive client portals can secure communications and sell services. Click here to learn about top technologies for lawyers and resources for implementing them at your firm. And click here for short questionnaire to assess areas where you can digitally improve your law firm.

Keeping a Journal

Journaling can improve mindfulness, record events, and set reminders. Notes can be j ournalized on a daily, weekly or occasional basis.  Journaling can be done  on a digital device or on paper.  Following are resources to help you improve your well-being with a journal.    Apps   Apple Journal Evernote Microsoft Journal Articles Benefits of Journaling Enhancing We’ll-Being With a Journal How NFL Players Use Journaling Journaling Apps Books Effortless Journaling Journaling for Dummies The Art of Journaling Tools Notebooks Planners