Getting Politically Active
Political activity enables us to discharge our civic duty and advance causes we support. Below are tips for staying politically active and resources for implementing them. Tips Encourage Others - rally family and friends to vote. Influence Outcomes - influence outcomes by voting for candidates that support your causes. Investigate Candidates - research voting records of candidates and their truthfulness. Participate - consider volunteering to help candidates to win election. Register - confirm your voter registration and calendar for renewal. Stay Informed - read local and national publications to determine candidate positions. Vote Early - avoid long lines by voting early or balloting by mail. Articles Kelsey Alpaio, How to Respond When Someone Says I'm Not Voting , Harvard Business Review, Oct. 28, 2020. Dena Bunis, Six Ways to Check Out a Candidate , AARP, Apr. 30, 2018. Kayleigh Lic...